December 5, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Leonard Anderson, Nancy Rocheleau, Ken Strom, Matt Kennedy, Anthony Costello, Michael Scott
Members Absent: Robert Lowell
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Dan Hazen
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Wachusett Woods - Amendment to Drywells - Applicant submitted a new plan as requested by the Board that contained the rain gardens, change of house footprints, and easement language discussed at the last meeting. The Board will review this information out of the meeting, as no representative was present.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Stoney Brook Estates - Plan was revised per Graves' comments regarding the drainage report. Additional soil tests were and the results were addressed by the Board. Following this discussion, the Board expressed their satisfaction in the revisions that raised the detention pond up to the inverts on the low flow and would like to see the bottom of the pond raised up 1/2 foot. The floor was then opened up to the public. B. Prachniak, an abutter, expressed her concern regarding the public's review of stated plan and questioned who will monitor the site to see that proper erosion control is adhered to during site work. M. Kennedy addressed each of her concerns. With no other issues, the discussion will be continued at the next meeting.
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY - Lot C Sheffield Way - Revisions to the previous plan were presented to the Board. The applicant has revised the grading of the roadway (which has been approved by the Town Engineer), and has removed one sidewalk. Instead of the previous sub-surface basin, they have replaced it with a surface basin as preferred by the Board. Characteristics of the basin were discussed at length. An issue regarding the lack of forebay included in the revision to the detail sheet, but not included in the drawing submitted to the Board was pointed out. The Board requested that this discrepancy be taken care of in an updated plan presented at the next meeting. Discussion to be continued at the next meeting.
ANRAD - Pine Tree Lane - A site walk could not be done due to snow. After a short discussion, the Board agreed that if a continuance is not granted, then the Board would approve the flagged areas that are not questionable, and not grant one for the areas that they are not able to review at this time. The motion made by M. Scott to approve this decision. A. Costello seconded. All in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Worcester Reservoir - 21 Stonehouse Hill Lane - A presentation was made regarding the improvements to the site that include updates to the current intake screening system, and to add a small valve vault. These improvements are needed to improve the filtration efficiency and operation of the system. All work will be within the buffer zone and will be done with water at the current levels. A motion was made to approve the plan was made by N. Rocheleau. L. Anderson seconded. All in favor.
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY - Lot C Sheffield Way - P. Harding read the legal notice regarding the purpose before the Board. The applicant presented his proposition to build a home that clips a small section of the buffer zone. The grading has already been completed and is downgrade from the wetlands. All areas of concerned are hay-baled. Discussion ensued with the Board expressing no concerns other than the work must stay out of the buffer zone. The floor was then opened to the public. Mr. Grady, an abutter, expressed concern regarding water run-off as he already has an issue with run-off from an old foundation above-grade. The applicant agreed to grade to prevent run-off into abutters' land. P. Harding will check out the foundation and possible issues regarding run-off.
A motion was made to issue a negative determination by A. Costello. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
Conservation Restriction - Holden Hills Golf Course - P. Harding is sending in a revised version to the State. She gave copies to the Board and asked them to review it. Any questions or comments will be addressed at the next meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Wagner Meadows - Lots 13, 14, 26, 27 - A. Costello called attention to the large mounds of fill on the site. He voiced his concern about this fill going into the neighboring wetland area. Discussion continued regarding the specific lots. P. Harding noted that on lots 14 and 26, the Order of Conditions required a replication area. As of this date, this condition has not been met. The applicant wants to release these lots so they can be sold. The Board felt that the Order should remain open on these two lots and that it should not be a hinderance to the sale of those lots. As for Lot 13, there was an issue with a shed that was constructed on the wetland line. The Board agreed that the shed needed to be moved before the lot could be released. Lot 27 was
deemed okay to release. Motion was made by N. Rocheleau to release Lot 27. M. Scott seconded. K. Strom abstained from voting.
EXTENTION OF TIME - Twinbrook/Salisbury Street - A motion was made by K. Strom for a 1 year extention on the Notice of Intent. Seconded by P. Harding. All in favor.
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY - 121 Union Street - This request is for the replacement of a septic system. The Board posed questions to the applicant regarding the project. M. Scott made a motion to issue a negative determination of applicability. L. Anderson seconded. All in favor.
Approval of Minutes - A. Costello made the motion to approve the minutes with the condition to amend the sentence stated under the Pine Tree ANRAD discussion, "The Chairman requested that a peer review..." to read "The Chairman inquired if a peer review was necessary." M. Scott seconded. N. Rocheleau and L. Anderson abstained.
Environmental Bond Bill - A. Costello asked the Board to endorse the State's Environmental Bond Bill. This bill is a source of funding for many environmental programs throught the state, such as DCR, Fish and Game, and for self-help programs for which Holden is qualified. It is funded by a bond which, in turn, is paid for through taxpayer revenue. The Board agreed to support the petition.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 3, 2008.